Serviciile noastre
APS Advanced Project Services SRL oferă clienților săi o gamă largă de servicii de calitate pentru a-i ajuta să își planifice și implementeze cu succes toate proiectele. Activitatea noastră acoperă întreg spectrul specific gestionării proiectelor, de la managementul interimar, recuperarea proiectelor în criză, până la implementarea și operarea birourilor de management al proiectelor, evaluarea proiectelor și proceselor, precum și asistență oferită echipei de proiect sub formă de cursuri de formare profesională, și cercetarea tendințelor din industrie și a celor mai bune practici în domeniul gestionării proiectelor. Foarte puțini alții fac acest lucru și nimeni nu a făcut-o cu atâta pasiune și angajament ca noi.
Luați legătura cu noi și relaxați-vă în timp ce noi navigăm afacerea dumneavoastră spre succes!
Interim Staffing Solutions
Interim Project Management
We support you with hands-on project management expertise. Our team is equipped to integrate seamlessly into your operations and manage the day-to-day intricacies of your projects on a contract basis. We don't just oversee tasks; we delve deep into creating detailed project plans, ensuring a robust implementation strategy, clearly defining achievable goals and milestones, and providing foresight with proactive risk mitigation strategies. We also prioritise effective stakeholder communication and management to ensure alignment.
Project Assessment
Our team will conduct a thorough review of your organisation's existing project management processes. By digging deep into your current methodologies, tools and strategies, we identify areas of strength and those that could benefit from improvement. We then draw on our extensive industry experience and best practice to create a bespoke improvement plan. This plan will address gaps and improve your overall project management framework, incorporating advanced methodologies and innovative solutions.
Automotive SPICE® Assessments
We offer comprehensive Automotive SPICE® assessment services tailored to your organisation's needs. Starting with a thorough preparation phase, we ensure clarity of scope and gather all necessary information. Our accredited auditors then conduct a systematic assessment, reviewing your processes and documentation and conducting insightful interviews against the ASPICE model benchmarks. Following the assessment, we provide a detailed report outlining our findings, performance metrics against capability levels and actionable recommendations. After delivering our findings, we facilitate feedback sessions for clarification and strategy discussions. And, as your partner in this journey, we provide follow-up consultations to monitor the implementation of recommended improvements, ensuring that your organisation achieves and maintains the highest standards set by ASPICE.
Project Management Training
We offer comprehensive traditional project management training solutions covering key areas such as Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification, Waterfall Project Management, Risk Management, Stakeholder Management and more. Our courses provide specific, practical expertise to help you master these critical aspects of project management and advance your career in the field. For more information and to explore our courses, please visit our detailed training pages.
Applied Research
Research of Industry Trends
We monitor industry trends and best practices in project management and prepare annual analytical reports.